10 Diet Tips Healthy Way | The healthy method diet to reduce the weight naturally
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10 Diet Tips Healthy Way

1 Measure and record

Before you run the program, make a chart and record at least up to 90 days ahead. From the initial weight also measure the circumference of the chest, waist, thighs and arms. Do this until the next 90hari or until it reaches the target.

2 Determine the target

Determine the target for your diet program in reality, because the reality you specify the target then your motivation will be stronger. Ideal body weight is not only measured how many kg you want to lose fat but also body and your body mass index should be in the range of normal limits.

3 Do not omit breakfast

Remember !!! The morning breakfast was very important for the fuel in support of your activities from morning till night. After 8 hours sleep, the body loses a lot of fluids and when you wake up will require 114 kinds of nutrients and it can be from breakfast in the morning. Formula 1 Shake Mix the perfect way for your morning breakfast and can be made in the diet for weight loss programs.

4 It is better to eat small meals 5-6 times

Eat 5-6 times a day, is a must to increase metabolism. Reduced calorie eating better than eating frequency, so you are not always hungry and not looking for the high-carbohydrate snack that can lead to failure of your diet program.

5. Increase consumption of foods rich in fiber

Foods such as fruits and vegetables is rich in fiber. Better than the apple fiber consuming apple juice, apple fiber making process blender destroyed. Consumption of vegetables as well, because it serves to facilitate digestion and slows down the process of absorption of calories in the body.

6 Inadequate Water Supplies

In addition it contains no calories, water plays an important role for our health. Approximately 60% of the body weight is composed of water, and the water function is to aid the digestive process works sempuran and launch the kidneys. Fill your water needs 2-3L per day.

7 A time Sports

Exercise helps burn excess calories in your body, so invest some time to exercise. In addition, exercise is good to help the blood circulation more smoothly and increase metabolism.

8 Dinner

You do not need to be afraid or eliminate dinner, but you should set dinner. During sleep, the body does not need a lot of calories but require sufficient amount of protein for the regeneration of body cells are damaged will be repaired / replaced. Eat protein before bed around 2-3jam, or carbs 4 hours before bedtime. For best results, consume F1 Shake Mix as a replacement for your dinner.

9 Be careful when eating out

When you are eating out invitations, specify what food would you eat and you should choose vegetable and side dish with enough however for the carbohydrate portion with small portions.

10 Firmly in yourself

Dare you to suppress appetite if stomach already feel full, stop and say stop yourself. Remind your motivation why you need a diet  this is quite helpful.

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The healthy method diet to reduce the weight naturally