Easy ways Measuring Portion Eating | The healthy method diet to reduce the weight naturally
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Easy ways Measuring Portion Eating

You are determined to start changing your diet, such as by counting calorie intake. You see, you feel that your excessive eating. In fact, healthy food even if consumed in excess also have adverse implications for the body. If your food portions are very large, healthy food can lead to effects such as that caused by a burger and fries.

To prevent these advantages, and the portions are more familiar measure in the stomach, does not need to carry a measuring cup every time you dine. Use only your hand to measure the amount of healthy foods that may be consumed.

1 To measure the protein

Protein is the fuel energy and can help build strong muscles. Use your hands to pick up food that contain protein such as chicken, fish, or tofu. One cock in your hand sendokan enough for one meal intake.

2 To measure vegetables

Vegetables can be a companion protein intake. Raup two handfuls of fresh vegetables to get a lot of nutrients and antioxidant benefits.

3 To measure salad

When you want to eat a salad, use your hands as a scoop to pick up a large portion of green vegetables. For the sauce, take a tablespoon of sauce, then use your thumb as a guide length.

4 To measure fruit

To measure how much fruit that can be enjoyed with yogurt, grab a handful of fruit. That portion is right for fresh fruit should be consumed.

5. To measure fat

Here's what to look out for the many people. Fat does not need to be despised, but make sure you choose healthy fats and in the right amount. It tastes good often makes us consume excessive. Use your thumbnail to measure the use of oil and butter.

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The healthy method diet to reduce the weight naturally